sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2009

Alicia's Poem

In the memory of Dak Krause, Caylee.
May your memory live forever.
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
across Northrend's bright and shining snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
on Westfall's fields of golden grain.
I am in the morning hush,
of Stranglethorn's jungle, green and lush.
I am in the drums loud and grand,
the thunderous hooves across Nagrand.
I am the stars warmly gleaming,
over Darnassus softly dreaming.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.


This poem is based on Do not stand at my grave and weep, thought to be written by Mary Elizabeth Frye.

It was written in honor of Dak Krause.

2 comentarii:

  1. Welcome to WoW .. another world, where you can't really get irl wounds, just headaches .. =)

  2. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.


Gândurile lor, poate ale tale, blogul meu.